
ゆとり世代「私は再び歩き出す」🌷社会不安やうつ病、パニック障害など現代病に陥っても、立ち上がり前を向く女性🍂 自分の無力を知り、絶望を感じてしまった。けど、それでも私は私として自信を持ってまた歩き出したい🏃‍♀️💐 私の芯は私が決める🌏 そんな方に是非読んで欲しいコラムです。 【私は再び歩き出す】

If you want to get a japanes gf, you should go to the◯◯!


if you want to get japanese gf, you should go to the◯◯!



「Do you want to study Japanese more?」
「Do you want to get a Japanese gf?」
「But, If you don't want to spend much money?」



I recommend it to you.

How to get a Japanese gf.





【What are Japanese lady thinking?】  

It is a dream of Japanese ladys to have a foreign bf. 

Most Japanese ladys dream once.





 But at the same time, they are afraid of foreign men.

 It's a difference in physique.
Another reason is japanes people cannt speak English.

Somepeople is bad feeling about English.

Also some foreign man too much body touch to ladys.

It makes ladys uncomfortable.



The important thing is to be humble.

Please be a gentleman and dont be a pushy person.






【go to here!】

This is a place where there are a lot of cute and beautiful ladies even though Alcohol is also very cheap.


Public s tand

public stand|Enjoy unlimited alcoholic beverage and sports game in the bar



It's a place where you can meet many ladies at the same time!!! 







【What should you say to ladies?】

A man falls in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears.


Don't be in a hurry.

Let's talk to each other in a calm.

You should never get hiper from the beginning.


Be careful, don't forget to be a gentleman.


If it really became lively, you ask a contact!

「Do you use LINE? Can you tell me your ID?」


Evreything well go!








【About the second times】

Don't ask her out on the first date one to one.

There is a possibility that she will not come.

So you should meet on a 2:2 basis.




I recommend this place to go to the first place.



bar moon walk / バームーンウォーク【全品200円ダイニングバー】

→There's food here, and you can drink alcohol cheaply. ✌︎It doesn't cost money!✌︎

I mean, you should treat ladys to a meal!

that's important manners to date japanes ladys the first datefor.

Of course, there is a language barrier.

Don't be afraid.
Let's talk in English in three words.






I recommend this place to go to the second party.



→There are many people who can speak Japanese and English here.

You can finally communicate now‼︎‼︎


It must be a very comfortable place because there are races of different countries in there.










I wanna say again.

If you're going to do her body touch, make it minimal.

 If that's too much, women will be disgusted and will be wary of you.




Ladys like to feel protected.

Control your emotions and be a gentleman.


Be careful!

You shouldn't say "I like you" or "You're pretty" straight and many many many times.

Ladys feel it's heavy, or they think you're a womanizer.






It's important for women is stories until they fall in love with each other.

Process is the most important thing.



Thank you for reading it to the end.

I am studying English, so I think I sometimes wrote the wrong sentence.

The sentences are childish, but there is no problem with the content.
I had a lot of experiences and I gathered my opinions after being taught by my friends.
I would be happy if you could use it as a reference.





Please try it if you have the chance!


Don’t be afraid of consequences.

I hope it goes well.